ERDF Opportunities Quiz

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ERDF Opportunities

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1 / 11 x

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3 / 11 x

ERDF is an acronym for European Regional Development Fund?

4 / 11 x

Does the current ERDF programming period run from 2021-2027?

5 / 11 x

Does the new ERDF programming period have a budget of €392 billion available?

6 / 11 x

Can more than one ERDF programming period run in parallel?

7 / 11 x

Can an ERDF programme be coordinated at a regional level and do all regions have funding available?

8 / 11 x

The SME definition under EU regulations is a micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million?

9 / 11 x

Are there different ways to benefit from ERDF, either as Lead Partner, Partner, sub-contractor or beneficiary?

10 / 11 x

As a business, am I allowed to take part in more than one ERDF project at a time?

11 / 11 x

Under the recent programming period 2014-2020, are the top three areas of projects funded have been for R&D, SMEs competitiveness and Low Carbon?

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