SMART Grant Quiz

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SMART grants distribute up to £100 million every year?

4 / 11 x

SMART grants support the best game-changing and commercially viable ideas across a whole range of technology areas including net zero, arts, design and media, science and engineering?

5 / 11 x

SMART grants can support proof of concept and development of prototypes, as well as later stage R&D up to creating first demonstrators in a real-world environment?

6 / 11 x

I need to be part of a partnership/collaboration to apply under SMART?

7 / 11 x

A SMART application must include an SME?

8 / 11 x

SMART grants can provide up to 70% of my project’s cost?

9 / 11 x

SMART grants are available for projects from £100,000 to £2million in total cost?

10 / 11 x

The delivery of my SMART grant project can take from 6 to 36 months to complete?

11 / 11 x

The UK government definition of SMEs encompasses micro (less than 10 employees and an annual turnover under €2 million), small (less than 50 employees and an annual turnover under €10 million) and medium-sized (less than 250 employees and an annual turnover under €50 million) businesses.

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