Eurostars Quiz /12 Eurostars Test your knowledge with our Free Quiz and buy our PDF guide which tells you everything you need to know! 1 / 12 x Your Email Check 2 / 12 x Do you agree to be added to our mailing list for the EPM Academy? Yes No 3 / 12 x To lead an Eurostars project, you need to be: SME University Third Sector 4 / 12 x How many countries are part of the Eurostars scheme? 15 20 37 5 / 12 x Eurostars supports R&D projects with a high degree of technological challenges, that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation? Yes No 6 / 12 x Eurostars offers partners up to €500k for technology and product development? Yes No 7 / 12 x Eurostars funds SMEs up to 50-60% of the total project cost? Yes No 8 / 12 x What is the average success rate for Eurostars applications? 5% 10% 29% 9 / 12 x To apply for Eurostars the consortium must be made up of at least two entities that are independent from each other and must be led by an innovative SME from a Eurostars country? Yes No 10 / 12 x Subcontracting amongst project partners is allowed for Eurostars projects for all project partners Yes No 11 / 12 x To apply for Eurostars funding you do not need to contact your national/regional funding body before registering the project on the Eurostars website? Yes No 12 / 12 x Only SMEs can apply for funding, Large companies, Research Organisations or Universities cannot apply? Yes No Your score is 0% Restart quiz