Grant Application Quiz

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Grant Application

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1 / 11 x

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2 / 11 x

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3 / 11 x

The project starts with a meeting of key team members to establish governance once the partnership agreement is signed

4 / 11 x

What is the main purpose of setting up a governance team for a grant funded project?

5 / 11 x

What do we mean by match-funding in the context of a grant-funded project?

6 / 11 x

What is used to manage the project and ensure it stays on track?

7 / 11 x

Which of the following is a key component of managing claims and audit requirements?

8 / 11 x

What is the definition of a Logic Model?

9 / 11 x

What is the primary goal of a risk register in project management?

10 / 11 x

What is the definition of the project outcome?

11 / 11 x

In the context of a grant-funded project, what does EDI stand for?

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